Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Me and Liza

So according to page 6, Liza Minelli had a yard sale which included lampshades, wine glasses, worn dance shoes amongst other things. Evidently she signed those items as she sold them off. I am not sure that I have enough in common with Liza (discuss amongst yourselves) however I am taking a cue from her and will be signing all of my "giveaways/hand me downs" from now on. From children's clothing to housewares to all of those horrendous ill-fitting outfits I pass along will now come with my very own John Hancock.

On that note, I am just back from a trip to Banana Republic - did some impulse shopping as I have a meeting with a recruiter tomorrow and not a thing to wear. I succumbed to some ruffled puffy blouses (these can't look good on ANYONE!) and a hot pink sweater. I may don one of the ruffled blouses with the ever famous Mandee black pants. The intent of that outfit will be to psych out the recruiter so he will actually look directly into my eyes because the outfit, both top and bottom, will be like a car wreck with mangled bodies and he will have to look away from that.

Didn't Liza wear ruffle-d blouses? Maybe I have more in common with her than I thought.

Liza said the following and I feel that it is very true for me:

"I feel like I haven't done my best work yet."

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